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At Pinner High School, uniform is worn to promote a formal, professional impression, and to encourage students to take pride in their appearance and the way this represents our community. Full uniform must be worn at all times, including on the way to and from school.

Our policy has been reviewed and amended in accordance with relevant statutory guidance  which requires schools to have regard to the following. 

Parents should not have to think about the cost of a school uniform when choosing which school(s) to apply for. Therefore, schools need to ensure that their uniform is affordable.

In considering cost, schools will need to think about the total cost of school uniforms, taking into account all items of uniform or clothing parents will need to provide while their child is at the school.

Schools should keep the use of branded items to a minimum.

A school’s uniform policy should be published on the school’s website, be available for all parents, including parents of prospective pupils, and be easily understood.

Schools should ensure that their uniform supplier arrangements give the highest priority to cost and value for money (including the quality and durability of the garment).

Single supplier contracts should be avoided unless regular tendering competitions are run where more than one supplier can compete for the contract and where the best value for money is secured. This contract should be retendered at least every 5 years.

Schools should ensure that second-hand uniforms are available for parents to acquire. Information on second-hand uniforms should be clear for parents of current and prospective pupils and published on the school’s website.

Schools should engage with parents and pupils when they are developing their school uniform policy.

All items marked with an asterisk (* or **) are branded with PHS logo or school colours or are a specific, compulsory style available from our local suppliers.  Items with one * are optional. Items with two ** are compulsory. 

Asterisked items can be bought through either of two local suppliers, appointed on the basis that they give high priority to the cost and value for money, including the quality and durability, of garments.

  • Angels, 317 Rayners Lane, Middlesex HA5 5EH and 

  • Kevin’s Schoolwear, 104 Marsh Road, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 5NA. 

Second hand uniform is available for purchase at very low prices from school. Enquiries should be made to or can be made in person at Reception.

Financial assistance with the costs of purchasing uniform is also available on the basis of certain criteria. Enquiries about such assistance should also be addressed to or to a student’s Form Tutor or Head of Year and will be treated confidentially. 

Students who come to school in the incorrect uniform will be asked to change. Students who repeatedly wear incorrect uniform will receive a sanction. Parents/carers may also be contacted to bring correct items into school or students may be sent home to change. We expect parents and carers to support our uniform policy at all times.

Uniform Years 7-11

  • PHS blazer**

  • Plain white revere collar blouse or PHS tie** and plain white buttoned up square collared shirt

  • Plain black trousers or plain black, fully pleated (as available from our two local suppliers) skirt

  • Plain black traditional school shoes (no trainers or trainer-like shoes)

  • Plain black socks or plain black/natural tights

  • PHS jumper or cardigan* 

  • Grey, navy, black coat

PE Kit Years 7-9

  • PHS short sleeved polo shirt**

  • PHS shorts**

  • PHS sports socks** for winter outdoor sport; short white socks may be worn for indoor lessons and in the summer.

  • PHS long-sleeved reversible top*

  • PHS sweatshirt* 

  • Black tracksuit trouser

  • Sports footwear eg: football boots, outdoor trainers, indoor trainers (with non-marking soles) as appropriate.

  • Protective accessories eg: shin pads for contact sports

PE Kit Years 10-11

  • PHS short sleeved polo shirt**

  • PHS shorts**

  • PHS sports socks** for winter outdoor sport; short white socks may be worn for indoor lessons and in the summer.

  • PHS long-sleeved reversible top*

  • PHS sweatshirt* 

  • Black tracksuit trousers 

  • Sports footwear eg: football boots, outdoor trainers, indoor trainers (with non-marking soles) as appropriate.

  • Protective accessories eg: shin pads for contact sports

Other requirements

  • No skinny fit/stretch/denim/cord/jersey/chino/combat-style/fashion trousers

  • No straight/a-line/short/stretchy/jersey/denim/cord/skater-style skirts

  • Skirts must be worn knee-length (or longer)

  • No trainers or trainer-like shoes; no boots

  • No t-shirts/undershirts that can be seen under a shirt/blouse.

  • Head scarves/hair bands must be plain, dark colours.

  • No signs, slogans or brand names.

  • No denim/leather/leather look jackets.

  • No caps, bandanas or other headwear which is not either part of uniform or worn for religious reasons.

  • No badges apart from school badges (including on coats)

  • No hoodies.

  • No tattoos; tattoos are illegal for under 18s. 

  • No jewellery except a single pair of small stud ear-rings and a wrist watch.

  • Hair must be of a natural colour, be worn clear off the face and not cut or styled in an extreme way.

  • Make-up must be subtle; long, false eyelashes are not permitted.

  • Nails must be of a short, practical length and a natural colour; false and decorated nails are not permitted.


 For our Sixth Form Dress Code, please see the Sixth Form section of our website and/or Appendix 1 of our Uniform Policy document below.