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Head's Challenge

The Head's Challenge takes part during the school day.

Activities are divided into 3 categories: 'Inspiring your Future', 'Inspiring Activity' and 'Inspiring Creativity'. 

Activities that have been offered previously include:

  1. Architectural Wonders of the World
  1. Architecture and engineering club
  1. Badminton
  1. British Sign Language
  1. Careers in IT/Computing
  1. Chess
  1. Chinese literature club
  1. Classics (ancient mythology)
  1. Clay creation
  1. Craft creation club
  1. Creating digital music
  1. Critical thinking
  1. Debate club
  1. Design and Technology
  1. Digital Drawing Club
  1. Drawing Club: Comics & Manga
  1. Ensembles club (must play a musical instruament)
  1. EPQ
  1. Fighting Fantasy Book Club
  1. Finance Club
  1. First aid
  1. Golf
  1. IDEA
  1. Italian for Beginners
  1. Java Programming
  1. Literature and Debate
  1. Literature Debate Club
  1. Mathematical art
  1. Mathematical Minds
  1. Maths Challenge
  1. Media and film
  1. Multi-Sports
  1. News & Current Affairs
  1. Philosophy and ethics club
  1. Python Programming Club
  1. Spanish and Latin American culture
  1. Spanish and Latin American Culture
  1. Spanish Creative Writing
  1. Spanish Estrellas
  1. Sports Journalism
  1. STEM Careers
  1. Table Tennis
  1. Theatre Club - WAC Arts
  1. Ukulele Band
  1. Y7 MEP
  1. Y8 MEP
  1. Y9 MEP

Students choose a new club every term.