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Harrow Academies Trust

Pinner High School is part of Harrow Academies Trust (company number 09026369), which is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales. The academy trust was established by local high schools (who are the members) in order to establish Pinner High School and also Harrow View Primary School (which is a new primary school that will be established as part of the re-development of the Kodak site).

The Board of Trustees is accountable for establishment and success of both schools, working with the Governing Body of Pinner High School (to whom the Board has delegated the majority of decisions). The registered address of the trust is Pinner High School, Beaulieu Drive, HA5 1NB, telephone 0203 096 0769.  The Board consists of:

  • Janice Howkins (Chair of Trustees) 
  • Sue Hammond - Chair of Pinner High School LGB
  • Des Fahy - retired Deputy Commander and Head of Crime in the Metropolitan Police Service.  Safeguarding Trustee. 
  • Premal Patel - Managing Director, Catalina UK
  • Angela Moore - Headteacher, Northgate School
  • Raj Patel, Headteacher, Pinner High School

The Board of Trustees has established an Audit & Compliance sub-committee, all trustees other than the Chair and Headteacher, are members of this committee.

Documents relating to the Harrow Academies Trust can be found under Academy Trust documents.


Pinner High School Governing Body

Pinner High School has a Governing Body that is responsible for ensuring the school achieves its vision of being an excellent, inclusive school. The Governing Body comprises:

Two governors from local high schools:

  • Sue Hammond –Former Headteacher of Whitmore High School.  She is the Chair of Governors.
  • Julie Wilkinson –Assistant Headteacher of Nower Hill High School. Julie chairs the Students, Standards and Achievement Committee.

Five community governors who all live locally and have a range of skills and experiences:

  • Monica Bhandari- Monica is an Associate Professor of Law at UCL with experience in business and the education sector. She is a Governor at another local school and has 2 children at local schools.  Joint chair of Finance and Resources Committee and Vice-Chair of Governors.
  • Daniel Kay - Daniel works in programme management and strategy for an Investment Bank.  Prior to this he worked in consultancy for financial services firms.  This is his first role as a school governor.  Daniel is joint chair of the Finance and Resources Committee and EDI Link Governor.
  • Bushra Anwar
  • Claire Marron
  • Shohaab Dar

Staff governor: Sue Evans

Two parent governors:

  • Dr. Kerry Day - Kerry is a Consultant Paediatrician and the SEND Governor.  She has 2 children who attend(ed) Pinner High School.
  • Nawaf Ibrahim - Nawaf has 3 children at Pinner High School

The Governing Body of Pinner High School has established the following sub-committees:

Students, Standards and Achievement: Chair - Julie Wilkinson

Finance & Resources: Chair - Monica Bhandari and Daniel Kay

All governors including the Chair can be contacted via the Clerk and Governance Professional, Mel Brown.  Please email


Agendas and minutes for meetings of the trustees, local governing body and sub-committees are available on request.