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Beyond the Sixth Form Curriculum


In addition to dedicated lessons and activities set in class, sixth form students will also be set challenging and meaningful home learning and independent study tasks designed to consolidate and enhance their learning and understanding.  Retrieval tests, quizzes and past paper questions will be administered frequently and will ensure that both students and staff have an accurate picture of achievement and clear evidence to guide improvement.

The sixth form area is a space dedicated to independent study and social activities for Year 12 and 13 students.  Student leaders will take a key role in maintaining this space and deciding how it is used.  


Enrichment and Super-Curricular Sessions

‘To prepare and equip prospective applicants with the high-level skills required for study on a course at Oxford, we strongly encourage students to explore and deepen their subject knowledge well beyond the school curriculum. We call this particular kind of academic engagement super-curricular activity.’

Trinity College; Oxford

In addition to providing a balanced and broad variety of A-level courses, we are committed to ensuring that all Pinner High School Sixth Form students have school-based opportunities to explore their creative and academic interests that exist beyond the curriculum, in addition to opportunities provided by external organisations such as Sutton Trust and The Brilliant Club.

The term super-curricular is used to describe educational experiences that allow students to capitalise upon their academic interests outside of the A-level syllabus.  Rather than simply teaching everything needed to pass the exam, we aim to inspire students to deepen their knowledge and understanding of a host of academic disciplines and their applications to the contemporary world.  

Via our Period 7 programme, all students – irrespective of what they study at A-level - will have the chance to listen to guest speakers in assemblies, undertake an EPQ and opt into different programmes that will operate on a half-termly basis. The following list is not exhaustive; we welcome input from students regarding the academic disciplines they wish to explore.

  • Medics programme for students interested in medicine, veterinary science, dentistry and healthcare careers
  • Psychology journal society
  • Economics society
  • Ethics club
  • Oxbridge society
  • TARGET Oxbridge
  • Art history 
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
  • Book and literary criticism club

Additionally, by offering students the chance to undertake an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) and to participate in The Brilliant Club’s Scholars Programme and a host of other external opportunities, we are confident that Pinner High School Sixth Form students will have the chance to refine skills that will support their A-level studies and strengthen their applications to leading universities and apprenticeship schemes.


Supporting A-level study

Maintaining Pinner High School’s culture of high expectations and achievement is dependent upon regular contact and support for our students.  In addition to daily form time activities and regular one to one meetings with tutors, students will also attend weekly assemblies and information sessions. 

Our programme of PSHE and guest speakers will be carefully coordinated to ensure that the needs of our students, and the issues they are passionate about, are given priority.  In PSHE sessions students will deepen their knowledge and awareness of social, political and economic issues at both a local and global level. In addition to developing their understanding of how to stay safe and prioritise their wellbeing, Year 13 students will also learn essential survival skills that will serve them well for university and beyond.  Yes, that does mean learning how to cook, manage your finances and do laundry,

Our programme of guest speakers will not solely focus on academic matters, but rather will include information relating to health, wellbeing, charity and entrepreneurship.  The Sixth Form Committee and student leaders will be heavily involved in this organising and facilitating this aspect of the Pinner High Sixth Form.

To support the induction of our sixth form students, all Year 11 pupils will have access to a bridging programme which will equip them with information, guidance and resources to smoothen their transition to A-level study. Throughout Year 12 and Year 13, we will also provide regular opportunities for students to refresh their revision skills and retrieval-practice. Given the nature of assessment at A-level it is paramount that students build their exam confidence. We are confident that regular and meaningful recap activities will enable students to both strengthen their knowledge and address any gaps. We seek to actively encourage an ethos of honest communication between teachers and students; we will update parents and carers regularly with information regarding their child’s progress and achievements.


Sixth Form Leadership

We are extremely confident that our academic programmes will ensure that all students feel stretched, challenged and fulfilled intellectually.  Via PSHE, pastoral programmes and leadership opportunities, we will further encourage students to look beyond themselves and give back to both the school and the wider community. 

The Pinner High School values of Myself, My School and My Community become even more pertinent in the sixth form when the trailblazers take on further roles of responsibility. Crucially, Y10 and 11 students will be involved in deciding which positions of responsibility and leadership opportunities they would like to see in the sixth form.  Our aim is to ensure that our students can develop essential interpersonal and leadership skills that prepare them for university and beyond.

We will expect all students to dedicate at least one period a week to school service: this could include one or more of the following and some may count towards service/volunteering hours for DofE awards:

  • Sixth Form Leadership Team: Head and Deputy Head Students, Subcommittee chairs

  • academic mentoring for Key Stage 3 and 4 students

  • mentoring younger students

  • in-class subject support

  • running your own extra-curricular/super-curricular activity, club or society. This could be any aspect of the Head's Challenge programme; academic, sport, musical, design or craft-related.

  • charity and volunteering projects within the local community

  • work experience at local primary schools

  • student panel participation

  • library support