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21 teams!

173 students have represented the school in 21 teams so far this year, with rounders, athletics and cricket still to come. It was the turn of our netball teams in Years 7 and 8 this week, playing in tournaments at home and away. Both teams had some successes, and brought life to the Pinner High School Values. The Values were also alive in the non-uniform day Sports Relief donations received of £266.61. Sports Relief led to a very active lunchtime, with a total of 936 laps completed of the school field by 195 students, 7 members of staff and 1 Headteacher.


Our House competition concluded Science week, where students had to build the tallest structure they could out of spaghetti and marshmallows, including the ability to hold a chocolate egg on a part of the tower. There were some impressive, and messy, designs! Q?rius students this week were utterly engaged by Rev’d Paul Hullyer, vicar of St. John’s Church, Pinner, who came to speak to them about a fascinating range of topics, including looking after a 700 year old church and his work as a Padre in the Territorial Army.


Planning for next term continues apace, and I am particularly grateful to the parent volunteers who have been helping us set up the library to be ready as soon as possible in the new term. We have inherited lots of ‘stock’ for the library from Heathfield School, the previous occupiers, and we have made good inroads cataloguing these books, so they can be borrowed alongside our existing newer titles. The new library space is significantly larger, and will accommodate the school when it is at full capacity in the years ahead. As 1515 books have already been loaned this academic year, this bodes well. 30 desktop computers will be delivered over the holiday for the library, and with some redecoration taking place around the student changing rooms as well, we will be ready for the next phase of our development as Avanti House move out next week.