Happy New Year! The first full week back has seen the students straight back into action. They have chosen from a new list of thirty five clubs for the Head’s Challenge, with new options including Psychology, Salsa, Reading ambassadors, as well as the usual range of sports, art and community based activities. The clubs got underway straight away, and it is great to hear students talking about their new activities with such enjoyment.
The enjoyment of students in the Politics Club was clear to visiting Councillors before the holiday, who will be profiling the group in their newest publication. This news comes alongside Miss Lowder’s successful application to the Teachers Institute at the Houses of Parliament. Teachers taking part in Teachers’ Institute become UK Parliament Teacher Ambassadors following the training, and go on to teach their students and fellow education professionals about democracy and the Houses of Parliament. Miss Lowder applied to Parliament’s open call and was selected from more than 170 applicants to attend the three-day training event in Parliament. Fully funded by Parliament’s Education Service, Hannah will question the House of Commons Speaker and the Lord Speaker, and hear from parliamentarians of all parties about their work in the Commons and Lords. Rt Hon Lord Fowler, The Lord Speaker, said: “Teachers’ Institute is exceptionally well-regarded by the participants each year, and I welcome the opportunity to explain the work of the House of Lords to such an appreciative audience.” Rt Hon John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, said: “I am proud that this excellent initiative continues to provide such an invaluable service. Better engagement and dialogue with young people is of fundamental importance to our democracy, and I am sure that the UK Parliament Teacher Ambassadors attending Teachers’ Institute will find the experience both useful and enlightening.”
We successfully applied to be part in the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families research project into the mental health of children and young people. Our pastoral care has consistently been very highly rated, and taking part in projects such as this ensures we are able to access the latest research to inform our school practices. The research has been approved by the UCL Ethics Research Committee, and training is provided for three members of staff at no cost to the school.
Year 8 students are having their individual GCSE options interviews over the next few weeks. It is brilliant to hear their career aspirations are so broad and interesting. Talking about Sixth form options when the school has only been open for 4 terms and a week is very exciting! We are currently recruiting for lots of teaching positions, so it is not too late to join our team for September.