The girls tennis team had a successful debut at the borough tournament this week. They returned with certificates for their third place; the first time several of them had represented the school and played competitive matches. A great result!
Last month I commissioned a Safeguarding Audit of the school at governors' request, following recent local and national events. Two experts from the Local Authority visited for the day, talking to students, staff and governors, and going through policies and procedures in great detail. They opened their 'Key Findings' feedback by noting that "Pinner High School is indeed well led and managed in respect of safeguarding. The Chair of the Governing body and the Headteacher have a clear strategic vision to ensure safeguarding key duties are undertaken effectively." The report goes on: "The students say they feel safe. According to the students interviewed incidents of bullying are very rare. The students were well informed regarding how to keep themselves safe and who to go to if they felt unsafe or had a concern." This is always reassuring to read and given the current climate we will never be complacent about these crucial aspects of safety and wellbeing.
We had further positive inspection feedback in the Department for Education's third term report, which we received this week. Also this week the Spanish trip for Easter 2018 became oversubscribed, along with the Ski trip to Italy in February 2018. There are good numbers signed up to the China trip and Costa Rica trips for 2019. Exciting times! All of this tells us we have active and engaged students.
Parents, students and staff are engaged this week completing surveys about the first year of Pinner High School. It has been a brilliant year-and not over yet with plenty more opportunities to come- but we will always have an eye firmly on the future as the school grows. Hearing feedback makes sure the challenge of doubling in size is seen with the benefit of feedback from all stakeholders about the experiences of this year.
Our New Parents' Information Evening takes place on Tuesday at 7pm, and we start doing things for the second time; an unfamiliar feeling of familiarity for the Trailblazing staff and students!