Positive recruitment news with which to start the week; three teachers have already been appointed from very competitive fields to join our staff from September. Further interviews are still taking place for the remaining posts. I am delighted that the quality of applicants remains so high in what is a challenging recruitment climate in many schools. Administrative and support staff posts will be advertised after half term. Do keep an eye on the Staff Recruitment page of our website.
Further success to report in the local cross country competition, hosted in the impressive grounds of Harrow School. Our highest placed runner is a reserve for the borough team, which is a excellent result.
The 'Lip synch' House Event took place last week; a very memorable competition as you can see from the picture above! Each form chose a performance from their group to represent them in front of the whole school. 7BX emerged victorious in dramatic style.
In assembly students enjoyed the premiere of the new Pinner High School film. Please click on this link to our Youtube Channel to view Pinner High School: the movie! It gives a great insight into life at the school, and my thanks to everyone involved.
As well as recruiting staff for our growing school, we are also looking for more Governors to join the local Governing Body. Governors provide strategic oversight of the school, and are very important members of our community. If you would like to find out more, please read the information pack below where you will also find an Expression of Interest (EoI) form, or don't hesitate to contact the school.