The second edition of our school magazine 'Inspiring Learning' is out now! The magazine has articles from students and teachers covering lots of aspects of our first term. The first edition was published last summer, before any children had started at the school, so it is brilliant to be able to include them this time. They have written about their favourite things, and there are articles about Student Leadership, Mindfulness and E-Safety. All students will bring a copy of it home, and there is an electronic version on our website and at the end of this blog post.
Although we have only been back at school for one full week, students and staff are already back in the swing of things. The New Year's Resolutions assembly on our first day back seems like it was months ago. Students have 15 clubs available to them this half term, including golf, gymnastics, fashion, art, Chinese, reading, mindfulness, guitar, Dragon's Den, football, Spanish film, environmental, creative writing.
Cross country trials took place at the end of last week, with full girls and boys teams set to follow last terms girls and boys football, badminton and netball teams in representing the school in borough matches.
The quality of teaching and learning at Pinner High was praised by the Department for Education during their visit last term. Already this term our internal processes to continually assure high quality experiences for students are focused on our assessment methods through our current book scrutiny.