The Poppy Appeal has been well supported at Pinner High School, and on Sunday wreaths will be placed at the Eastcote and Pinner War memorials. As there has been a school on this site since 1937, it is important to be involved in such activities. An assembly will follow to include Remembrance Day and Black History Month.
This week's House event was the keenly anticipated football competition. Each form had two teams, and the whole school was out on the football pitches on Wednesday afternoon. Additional goal posts were newly assembled for the event. The knockout stage of the event continues next week, with each House still having a team in the competition. The volume of support from the sidelines was impressive. House Captain interviews take place today, with further selection activities next week as well.
Students had their first 'Deep Learning Day' of the year, when the timetable is suspended for the day and replaced by a series of workshops. The theme of the day was E-safety, and was supported by staff from Digital Awareness UK. Students had a carousel of sessions to ensure they are keeping themselves safe online. It was extremely engaging and thought provoking: the internet has so many positive features, but it is essential to be aware of potential risks so they can be minimised.
We had a peer review earlier in the week, from within the Harrow Academies Trust. As part of this process, lessons were observed, and focus groups of student, teachers, support staff and governors had review meetings. This was an extremely helpful activity, as although feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from all parts of the school community, having an external review is important to help our new school develop even further. Having such expertise in the Harrow Academies Trust is a real advantage! Amongst many other comments, it was noted that "students are very positive about the school. They feel safe and very well supported by staff."