Another jam packed week- it is amazing to think that we have been open for nearly half a term. This week I have been running tours of the school for September 2017 entry, and very much enjoy showing families the school 'at work'. We visit all the classes running during a tour, and when the teacher is not in full flow, I ask the students a few questions, so that visitors can hear directly from them, having heard enough from me at Open Evening! Students were able to show off to our visitors their first full paragraphs in Spanish, the development of their Chinese character writing, and their love of Science experiments in our lab. I ask the students to tell visitors what they like about Pinner High School; some talk about House Events and Clubs (mindfulness and international foodclub take more explanation than gymnastics and karaoke, but with every child doing 2 out of the 15 activities on offer this half term, there is plenty to talk about). Food often features as a highlight, as does the trip to HOAC, but my favourite comment was from a student who, unprompted, said how safe they feel at school, and how at home they already are.
In other news this week, the girls had their first sports fixture, an 8-3 netball victory over Avanti House; many congratulations to all involved. A re-match is a certainty! On Saturday the Trailblazers Choir will be at the opening of the Heath Robinson Museum in Pinner Memorial Park.
The final week of the half term is just as busy as the last 5, with Parents Book Club on Monday, our first whole School photo on Tuesday (fingers crossed for the weather!) and a Coffee morning and Show My Homework drop in on Thursday. Friday is an INSET day, so school is closed to students, before reopening on Monday 31st October at the usual time.