The debut of the Trailblazers Choir at Open Evening was an exciting moment. Performing to over a thousand visitors was a first for everyone, and it was great to see such a high level of interest in the school. Many visitors commented on the progress made with the site since they visited last year. I am delighted I was able to show off colleagues and students, rather than being the only member of staff!
Congestion Busting Week saw a range of activities, with a visit from Dr Bike to check bike maintenance, and the Transport Police to security mark bikes brought to school. The smoothie bike was a real hit, as students' pedal power turned fruit into a smoothie that could be immediately consumed. Walking Zones were implemented for a day, and thanks to all those who observed this, and are now considering different transport routes to school. The events were led by Sustrans and Harrow Council.
There are several sessions for parents over the next couple of weeks, to ensure the community is involved in school life, and all our systems are being used effectively:
ParentPay drop in 1.30-2.30pm on 10th October, Book Club 2.00-3.00pm on 17th October, Show My Homework drop in 3.00-3.45pm on 20th October, Coffee and Chat 9.00-10.00am on 20th October.
I look forward to seeing you there.