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Pinnfest 2022

Pinnfest this week was a real highlight of the term, and so brilliant to have it back in person for the first time since 2019. Students did a great job with performances of music and drama, and it was fabulous to have so many visitors. Many thanks indeed to all colleagues involved in planning and running the event.

It was lovely to welcome our new Year 7 students to school this week. It is also the first time we have been able to run this event since 2019, and we know everyone benefits from this a great deal. Students spent the day in their form groups in a range of taster lessons, which I know colleagues really enjoyed delivering. Our new Year 7s also have the benefit of a four day summer school running at the end of August, when they will have the whole school to themselves. Over 140 students have signed up for this, and I am very grateful to Governors for approving this programme. Our new Headteacher from September, Mr. Patel, was able to attend both events. He has been coming to school every week since his appointment to ensure a smooth handover and I know everyone is enjoying working with him on planning our continued improvement.

As well as these events, it has also been busy in other parts of the school, with Year 12 Geography students on their A Level field trip in Devon, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions over the last couple of weekends and final arrangements for Sports day taking place too. 

In case you missed issue 8 of our school magazine 'Inspiring Learning' here it is: It gives you a flavour of the year at Pinner High School.