We know ‘Inspiring Learning’, our school motto, does not stop at the classroom door or even the school gate. It is lovely to have students out on trips for the last 3 consecutive weeks. Trips for students in Science and Geography over the last couple of weeks, and this week a theatre trip and students taking part in the InterClimate Network summit at Northwood College, as featured in the image this week. This event took place during our Sixth Form led Eco week. This featured assemblies about how we can all make a difference to our environment, including the initiative that won us a Kick-start award from the Mayor of London.
Here is a student reflection on the Year 10 Science event last week: “The Emmanuel Centre in Westminster hosted a group of 20 Year 10 students at their lectures about the new, evolving branches of science. The first speaker talked about material science and how it helped her swim across the English Channel. The second speaker enlightened us about DNA mutations and the next lecturer talked about the drastic changes that will take place in our everyday diet due to the increasing population. The penultimate scientist informed us about how animals survived in the twilight zone using waves. Our final speaker was (in my opinion) the best. He demonstrated how to break blocks of wood using simple physics. He was hilarious and the most entertaining. Overall, I really enjoyed the trip as I learnt about new things.” Trip Leaders have commented on how brilliant the students have been at embracing the opportunities available to them.
A different opportunity was available to Year 12 Maths students, who took part in the UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge. This is a 90-minute, multiple-choice maths challenge. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. Congratulations to all 16 medallists- an amazing achievement- and Tanmay who won Gold!
Congratulations also to our Year 9 boys Badminton team who reached the final of the Harrow Cup.