Magnificent rainforest T shirts this week from Year 8 as part of their ecosystems scheme of work. They were tasked with coming up with a unique design and slogan, which they did very impressively. Mr Smith, Head of Geography, was amazed with the standard of work. I found it very hard to select some winners from such a high standard of work from the whole class. The Geography department have been especially busy, and are pleased to take our Year 10 students on their GCSE Geography field trip next week. On a similar theme, I hope map reading skills will be on display by the students on the Silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition, which began today!
The week began with an all staff training day in preparation for our Sixth Form opening in September. It was an inspiring day looking at the exciting future for our students and school. Our Sixth Form has the strongest foundations, and we can’t wait to bring it to life with our students. Our Trailblazing Sixth Formers will be supporting our inaugural summer school for our new Year 7 students. It is brilliant for us to have such role models to work with our younger students.
A Deep Learning Day took place on Tuesday; students responded very maturely to the sessions and in particular Year 9 students engaged very well with the session on everyday sexism led by the charity ‘Hope not Hate’. They analysed how various sources of media present men and women differently and considered ways of challenging this narrative. Students also considered the importance of issues such as the #metoo movement, gender equality and consent.