I am delighted to share news of the recent parent governor election. I am always grateful when parents offer to contribute to the success of our school. There are many ways to do this, and being a governor is an especially important one. We had a high number of parents willing to put themselves forward, and I would like to thank each of them for doing so. I am sorry all the candidates could not have joined the group, but there were only two vacancies. The successful candidates in the election were Dr. Day and Rev’d Hullyer. Congratulations to them both. Their biographies are below:
Paul Hullyer: "I have been Vicar of Pinner Parish Church since 2008, having been ordained for 23 years. Before ordination, my career was in credit management and corporate finance. I have experience of school governance, having been a governor at 2 schools in Addlestone, Surrey (2000-2003), then later chair of governors at the Oak Farm Primary Schools in Hillingdon (2003-2008), and as a community governor at Bishop Ramsey (2008-2013) where I chaired the finance committee and also the steering group managing the transition to academy status. I am also an Officer (Chaplain) in the Army Reserve.
I am used to working both within teams and individually, and pursuing goals which emerge from a corporate decision making process. I understand corporate responsibility, and feel strongly that the role of school governance is to assist, not direct, the head teacher and all staff in their roles. I can bring experience of school finances and governance in a variety of settings to this role.
I passionately believe in in Pinner High School and its challenging and stimulating education for young people; it’s ethos and it’s capability for inspiring learning in every discipline. I am able to give the necessary time to the role."
Kerry Day: "I would be delighted to have the opportunity to join the Governing body as a parent Governor, as I believe I have the skills and experience to be able to make a meaningful contribution as Pinner High continues to grow and establish itself as an outstanding school in the community.
I have 7 years’ experience as a Governor of a local primary school and fully understand the role of strategy and challenge in an education setting. I have been the designated Governor for safeguarding, pupil premium, SEND and EYFS. I have also been Chair of the Curriculum and Community committee. My term has included Head teacher and SLT appointments, decisions on school expansion, extensive building works and 2 successful Ofsted inspections.
Professionally, as a Consultant Paediatrician, the development of children and young people is something I have always cared passionately about, and I believe that an education that is engaging, inspiring, wide-ranging and fun gives young people the best possible start in life.
As my children are growing older, with my daughter now in Year 8, I would relish the chance to bring my experience as a Governor and my perspective as a parent to the Pinner High Governing body."
Governors meetings are all virtual at the moment, but I look forward to Rev’d Hullyer and Dr. Day’s contributions to our school. Our students continue to show considerable resilience during this challenging time, and I am so impressed with the way they continue to approach their learning. We are keen to make sure that the ‘fun’ that features so prominently in students’ views of Pinner High continues this term, and Year 7 have been looking at form time House Events, and Year 8 have been reflecting as a year group on the Pinner High School Values.