It is brilliant to start the half term so positively: 1,169 applications have been received for entry into Year 7 for September 2020, our highest total ever. I really enjoyed sharing this with our fabulous staff, as it is such an endorsement of everything they do with our students every day to ensure the school motto of ‘Inspiring Learning’ comes to life with such vibrancy. My only reservation is that with 6.5 applications for every place, our catchment area will shrink further. Similarly, I have been overwhelmed with interest in the role of Founding Head of Sixth Form. The deadline does not close for a couple of weeks, but the quality and quantity of candidates who are putting themselves forward for the role tells me that this is a post that has excited colleagues as much as it excites me. Our new school film on our school YouTube channel shows this too:
Black History Month celebrations have run all week, with a range of form time activities celebrating this important event. The history department have done a great job, and in the same week that students take part in the English literature led First World War Battlefields trip it is a timely moment to reflect.
Years 8 and 9 today have enjoyed their financial maths sessions with MyBnk. They have spent time with us before in previous years and with different year groups, applying mathematical skills to the practical tasks of personal finance and household budgeting. This has been eye opening for many students! Many thanks to the Maths team for putting the day together. It makes a real impact.