Good news with which to start the final half term of the year: we are fully staffed for teachers for September. I have read over 850 applications since the school opened, which is a phenomenal amount given the difficulties many schools experience with recruitment. Long may it continue! The quality of candidates continues to be extremely high, and I am delighted to work with such talented colleagues. Three of our current Teaching Assistants will be training to be teachers with us next year. It is brilliant that their school experience with us makes them want to pursue a career in teaching. Of course this means that there will be Teaching Assistant adverts on our website shortly. We are also looking for a Cover supervisor and an IT technician for our growing school. Please do get in touch if these posts are of interest. We will number over 700 students in September, and it is an exciting time to be part of our school.
The sporting life of the school is always busy this time of year, this week the Quarter finals of the boys cricket at Harrow School and further athletics fixtures taking place. Although we have no external examinations we have internal ones in core subjects for Year 7 next week, and Year 8 the week after. Assemblies have focused on wellbeing activities as well as revision skills. Fresh from the success of ‘Hairspray’ just before the half term holiday, we are preparing for PinnFest on 11th July. This is open to the whole community, and is a chance to enjoy some performances, browse the exhibition, and have a bite to eat from our PTA run BBQ. My thanks to them for their dedication and support.
I know many members of our community are keen to hear feedback from our Ofsted Inspection last month. I hope to have the final report to share with you next week.