Somehow there is only one week left until the end of term. It has flown by in a mixture of lessons, sports, arts activities and more students than ever before! During the term we have grown past 500 students, with 150 still on our waiting list for September.
Our guest speakers on Deep Learning Day commented on the positive reception they received from the students, and how actively they engaged in the activities. I was delighted to welcome our final Q?rius speaker in our Careers series of presentations this week, who gave a fascinating insight into starting up a business and seeing it grow into an international success over the last 10 years. Students were also challenged to see how the world of work has changed in the digital age, and how they need to be prepared for the changes this will bring to their working lives. Many thanks to all who have contributed to these presentations. It is brilliant to have such support from the community.
We had a very well attended coffee morning for families of students who access support through our ASD provision this week, with a visiting expert to answer questions and signpost further resources. Our final coffee and chat of the term is on Wednesday 3rd April at 2pm. Please do let us know if you plan to attend so that we can have enough refreshments.
At the end of next week I shall be on the inaugural trip to Beijing, China. I will wish you a restful holiday now, and look forward to seeing all the student back with us on Tuesday 23rd April, ready for our final term of the year. Lots to look forward to!