Lots of sporting success to report this week: Table tennis champions, and football and netball teams coming out on top in multiple fixtures as well. Congratulations to all involved.
This week we welcomed our new families to our school community as those joining the school in September were offered their places. It was great to see so many excited faces on Wednesday as students came to see what is now their new school. The current Year 7 were brilliant ambassadors, and enthused about their favourite parts of the school. All our new families live within a mile, and we have a waiting list of 150. This is remarkable, especially as we have only been open two and a half years.
Fresh from the most recent Ski trip during the February half term, information letters went out this week for the 2020 trip. Do return the form and deposit as soon as possible, as places are limited.
Cathy Cassidy will be visiting the school next week, as part of our World Book Day celebration. A chapter of her new book is on Show My Homework for Year 7 to read in advance of her visit!
My thanks to all the parents who attended the Year 7 Assessment Evening this week. The presentation is now on our website with a narration of each slide for those who were not able to attend.
I hope to see lots of you at our first Quiz Night on Friday next week.