Chinese New Year celebrations took place this week. With our first trip to China taking place at the end of this term, there is lots of excitement about the year of the Pig. Students will learn about the importance of this festival in Chinese culture in their lessons over the next week.
This week saw large numbers of Year 9 students sit the UK Maths Challenge papers. They have their Midterm examinations in all subjects next week. This is a great opportunity to show how much they have learnt already in their GCSE courses, and identify any gaps in their knowledge before they move on in their courses. Good luck!
Badminton, Netball and Football teams were all in action this week at home and away. Results were mixed; badminton triumph against John Lyon, less success in netball at Nower Hill and in the football tournament. All students represent the school admirably, with the Pinner High School Values central to participation whatever the result.
The result of our PTA meeting last night was brilliant: our first Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and our first big event in the diary. I hope to see lots of you on 15th March at 7pm for our Inaugural Quiz night. Details of tickets, food, drinks, prizes will be circulated shortly. It was lovely to have such support in our first meeting. Exciting times ahead.