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First XV

Victory in our first rugby fixture, Remembrance Day commemorations, and ‘Hairspray’ auditions: a normal week at Pinner High School!


Our First 1st XV rugby team made a successful debut this week, running out winners 8 tries to 4. Coaches from Pinner Rugby Club have been working with our students as part of the Head’s Challenge Club programme, and I am delighted so many are taking part in rugby and enjoying such success. The next round of the competition will be even tougher!


Following the recent student and staff visit to the First World War battlefields as part of the national commemoration of the centenary of the end to hostilities, poppies and other British Legion products have been on sale all week. We will be laying wreaths at the services on Sunday in Eastcote and Pinner, and I’d like to thank all the students and colleagues involved in this important activity.


Black History Month came to a conclusion in assembly this week, celebrated through the theme of music. Student led assemblies that celebrate our community are amongst my favourite, and this was certainly one of those. An annual student favourite is our musical production, which is ‘Hairspray’. Auditions are next week!


Students are today engaged in leadership activities to help select the next group of House Captains and Student Government. These posts are always hotly contested, with speeches to the students respective year groups to follow in the final part of the selection task.


On the theme of selection, recruitment for September’s teaching posts are on the website now. We are lucky to know already the posts we will need for our growing school, so if you know anyone who may be interested in joining our first class team, please do pass this on to them. We are looking for a Head of Year, Head of Geography, Head of MFL as well as teachers of English, Maths and Science. We achieved the Investors in People Health and Wellbeing Award at the end of our first year, and in our end of year staff surveys this summer 100% of colleagues said they were proud or very proud to work at Pinner High School. I’d love to hear from people who can make us even better.