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So many highlights to the week, it is hard to know where to begin: a week of World Book Day activities; a well attended Parent Information Evening on assessment and reporting; the whole year group at the Globe Theatre; and the news that all 180 offers have been made for the new Year 7 starting in September.


World Book Day activities included staff reading from their favourite books at lunch time in the library. Students were also challenged to match the book and bookshelf to the teacher, and Homework Club this week involved the whole school community taking part in a 'Drop Everything and Read' session.


Thanks to the many parents who attended our information session last week. With the national move away from A* to C grades it was really helpful to talk through with parents how we use grades 9-1 all the way from Year 7.


The whole of Year 7 spent Friday at the Globe Theatre watching a performance of 'The Taming of the Shrew'. It was a very energetic and colourful production, and led to some excellent discussion after the show.


And so to next year, with what looks like a full year group, and a waiting list already in place. For a new school to be oversubscribed in such a short time is brilliant news. Thanks for all your support.